Créé le 01/09/2021 par Laurent Bourcier

Mise en place d'un Cluster InnoDB MySQL 8.0 via ansible

1. Introduction
2. Fichiers ansible
3. Logs de l'installation


Cet article présente la mise en place d'un cluster de réplication InnoDB utilisant la technologie "Group Replication" sur des serveurs debian.

Un cluster utilisant "Group Replication" est un ensemble de serveurs (ici 3 noeuds) possedant tous l'ensemble des données et dont, en mode single primary, un seul noeud joue le role de primaire (read-write), les autres étant secondaires (read only).

L'avantage par rapport à la réplication classique est que, ici, il y a un protocole de communication inter-noeud qui permet de détecter les défaillances et ainsi de maintenir à jour une vue consistente des noeud actifs du cluster.

Le script ansible présenté ici permet de configurer un cluster RG.

Les prérequis sont :

Pour satisfaire les prérequis, notamment le reset d'une éventuelle réplication, les actios peuvent être exécutées :

# systemctl stop mysql
# vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
log-error       = /var/log/mysql/error.log
# systemctl start 
# mysql -s -e "drop database test1;"
# mysql -s -e "drop database test2;"
# mysql -s -e "drop database test3;"
# mysql -s -e "stop replica;"
# mysql -s -e "reset replica all;"
# mysql -s -e "reset master;"
# mysql
mysql> select * from mysql.slave_master_info;
Empty set (0,00 sec)
mysql> select * from mysql.slave_relay_log_info;
Empty set (0,00 sec)
mysql> select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
Empty set (0,00 sec)
mysql> exit

Fichiers ansible

Fichier mysql_group_replication_8.0_setup.yml
# Mise en place de la replication de group MySQL

- hosts: mysql

    source_directory: /root/playbooks/mysql_group_replication_8.0_setup
    replication_primary: mysql01
    replication_secondary_01: mysql02
    replication_secondary_02: mysql03
    replication_user: repl
    replication_pass: repl

  remote_user: root


  - name: Stop replication
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "stop replica;"

  - name: Drop replication User
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "drop user if exists '{{replication_user}}'@'%';"

  - name: Create replication User
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "create user '{{replication_user}}'@'%' identified with mysql_native_password by '{{replication_pass}}';"

  - name: Grant replication slave to User
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "grant replication slave on *.* to '{{replication_user}}'@'%';"

  - name: Grant backup_admin to User
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "grant backup_admin on *.* to '{{replication_user}}'@'%';"

  - name: Reset replica
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "reset replica all;"

  - name: Reset master
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "reset master;"

  - name: Change replication source
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "change replication source to source_user='{{replication_user}}', source_password='{{replication_pass}}' for channel 'group_r

  - name: Stop mysql service
      name: mysql
      state: stopped

  - name: Setup variables for RG on {{ replication_primary }}
      src:  "{{ source_directory }}/mysqld.cnf.{{replication_primary}}"
      dest: "/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_primary

  - name: Setup variables for RG on {{ replication_secondary_01 }}
      src:  "{{ source_directory }}/mysqld.cnf.{{replication_secondary_01}}"
      dest: "/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_01

  - name: Setup variables for RG on {{ replication_secondary_02 }}
      src:  "{{ source_directory }}/mysqld.cnf.{{replication_secondary_02}}"
      dest: "/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_02

  - name: Start Primary {{ replication_primary }}
      name: mysql
      state: started
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_primary

  - name: Start RG on Primary {{ replication_primary }}
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "set global group_replication_bootstrap_group=ON;" -e "start group_replication;" -e "set global group_replication_bootstrap_g
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_primary

  - name: Wait 10 sec
    shell: sleep 10

  - name: Start Secondary {{ replication_secondary_01 }}
      name: mysql
      state: started
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_01

  - name: Start RG on Secondary {{ replication_secondary_01 }}
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "start group_replication;"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_01

  - name: Wait 10 sec
    shell: sleep 10

  - name: Start Secondary {{ replication_secondary_02 }}
      name: mysql
      state: started
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_02

  - name: Start RG on Secondary {{ replication_secondary_02 }}
    shell: mysql -s -N -e "start group_replication;"
    when: inventory_hostname_short == replication_secondary_02

Fichier mysqld.cnf.mysql01

pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
log-error       = /var/log/mysql/error.log
server-id                         = 1
gtid-mode                         = ON
enforce-gtid-consistency          = ON
disabled-storage-engines          = "MyISAM,BLACKHOLE,FEDERATED,ARCHIVE,MEMORY"
log-bin                           = binlog
log-slave-updates                 = ON
binlog-format                     = ROW
master-info-repository            = TABLE
relay-log-info-repository         = TABLE
transaction-write-set-extraction  = XXHASH64
plugin-load-add                   = ''
group-replication-group-name      = "f080cd9a-0a44-11ec-a21d-080027df3a71"
group-replication-start-on-boot   = OFF
group-replication-local-address   = "mysql01:33061"
group-replication-group-seeds     = "mysql01:33061,mysql02:33061,mysql03:33061"
group-replication-bootstrap-group = OFF

Fichier mysqld.cnf.mysql02

pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
log-error       = /var/log/mysql/error.log
server-id                         = 2
gtid-mode                         = ON
enforce-gtid-consistency          = ON
disabled-storage-engines          = "MyISAM,BLACKHOLE,FEDERATED,ARCHIVE,MEMORY"
log-bin                           = binlog
log-slave-updates                 = ON
binlog-format                     = ROW
master-info-repository            = TABLE
relay-log-info-repository         = TABLE
transaction-write-set-extraction  = XXHASH64
plugin-load-add                   = ''
group-replication-group-name      = "f080cd9a-0a44-11ec-a21d-080027df3a71"
group-replication-start-on-boot   = OFF
group-replication-local-address   = "mysql02:33061"
group-replication-group-seeds     = "mysql01:33061,mysql02:33061,mysql03:33061"
group-replication-bootstrap-group = OFF

Fichier mysqld.cnf.mysql03

pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
log-error       = /var/log/mysql/error.log
server-id                         = 3
gtid-mode                         = ON
enforce-gtid-consistency          = ON
disabled-storage-engines          = "MyISAM,BLACKHOLE,FEDERATED,ARCHIVE,MEMORY"
log-bin                           = binlog
log-slave-updates                 = ON
binlog-format                     = ROW
master-info-repository            = TABLE
relay-log-info-repository         = TABLE
transaction-write-set-extraction  = XXHASH64
plugin-load-add                   = ''
group-replication-group-name      = "f080cd9a-0a44-11ec-a21d-080027df3a71"
group-replication-start-on-boot   = OFF
group-replication-local-address   = "mysql03:33061"
group-replication-group-seeds     = "mysql01:33061,mysql02:33061,mysql03:33061"
group-replication-bootstrap-group = OFF

Logs de l'installation

# ansible-playbook mysql_group_replication_8.0_setup.yml

PLAY [mysql] ******************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [mysql02]
ok: [mysql03]
ok: [mysql01]

TASK [Stop replication] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql02]

TASK [Drop replication User] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Create replication User] ************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Grant replication slave to User] ****************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Grant backup_admin to User] *********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Reset replica] **********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Reset master] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Change replication source] **********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Stop mysql service] *****************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql02]

TASK [Setup variables for RG on mysql01] **************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql02]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql01]

TASK [Setup variables for RG on mysql02] **************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql02]

TASK [Setup variables for RG on mysql03] **************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Start Primary mysql01] **************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql02]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql01]

TASK [Start RG on Primary mysql01] ********************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql02]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql01]

TASK [Wait 10 sec] ************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Start Secondary mysql02] ************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql02]

TASK [Start RG on Secondary mysql02] ******************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql03]
changed: [mysql02]

TASK [Wait 10 sec] ************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [mysql01]
changed: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Start Secondary mysql03] ************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

TASK [Start RG on Secondary mysql03] ******************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [mysql01]
skipping: [mysql02]
changed: [mysql03]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************
mysql01                    : ok=15   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
mysql02                    : ok=15   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
mysql03                    : ok=15   changed=14   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0

Il est ensuite possible de vérifier la configuration du cluster :

mysql> select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| group_replication_applier | 36e909d0-c8a4-11eb-a259-080027df3a71 | mysql01     |        3306 | ONLINE       | PRIMARY     | 8.0.26         |
| group_replication_applier | 77258615-c9ae-11eb-8ec0-080027a13959 | mysql02     |        3306 | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.26         |
| group_replication_applier | dadd233f-08a4-11ec-9003-0800278ede4e | mysql03     |        3306 | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.26         |
3 rows in set (0,00 sec)

On remarquera que toutes les transactions exécutées contienne l'UUID du cluster :

mysql> select @@gtid_executed;
| @@gtid_executed                          |
| f080cd9a-0a44-11ec-a21d-080027df3a71:1-3 |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)